‘Running away with the Hairdresser’ at y Gaer (5-9 Sept 2022)

‘Running away with the hairdresser’ by Kevin Sinnott

Each evening for a week in September, the Larks & Ravens attempted to reproduce this painting by Kevin Sinnott (currently on exhibit at y Gaer) on the outside windows of the building.

As ‘Running away with the hairdresser’ is part of the Welsh National Collection of Art, it belongs to everyone in Wales so we thought we would bring it outside so a wider ‘everyone’ can enjoy it.

We are grateful to the Welsh Government’s Summer of Fun programme for helping fund our ‘Out of Hours Art’ project.

Here are some images reflecting our progress:

Our activity and the emerging painting attracted much interest from passing members of the public, including groups of youngsters who like to gather in that outside space. It generated conversation and encouraged some to visit the original painting in the main exhibition inside y Gaer. A few people happily picked up a brush and helped us with the painting.